Corporate Event: 3 Key Essentials of a Show Caller

5. April 2013

Chris Cuhls Eventregie Ablaufregie Konzeption Show Ablaufregisseur

Show Caller — the defi­ni­tion of this job is quite clear in the event context: to call live shows.  However, I would like to take a broader perspec­tive in produ­cing and direc­ting live events.  Here are my essen­tial learning’s:



1) Commu­ni­ca­tion.  That’s what it all boils down to.  Always.  Effec­tive commu­ni­ca­tion on each and every level.  My first step is to explore what the client needs and expects.  I question as long as I unders­tood the WHY and goals of the event.  We discuss the project from all angles taking into conside­ra­tion the key message and how to display it with audio and visual tools at our disposal whilst keeping the common goal first and foremost in our minds.


2) Precision.  The next step is to trans­late this briefing for each indi­vi­dual team member to ensure that each depart­ment has the precise infor­ma­tion they need.  On the floor, this multi-level commu­ni­ca­tion has to happen within seconds in a friendly, profes­sional, secure, clear and effec­tive manner.  We work as a single organism, with one common purpose – to commu­ni­cate and entertain.


3) Keep Calm.  Not only the British can keep calm.  Nobody on the floor can perform to their maximum ability if the atmo­sphere is tense.  Remai­ning on top of the situa­tion, calm, precise and in control guaran­tees the best possible outcome for ever­y­body – for the client, the team and for the audience.  This is the first golden rule I made my own in my early days as floor manager for live tele­vi­sion shows.  And it is still my golden rule today.



Show Caller & Live Directing: it’s all about teamwork


A further aspect of my job as show caller and event producer is to be able to visua­lise the project and to project the visua­li­sa­tion.  In the prepro­duc­tion and concep­tual phase I visua­lise on my client’s behalf the creative content on the basis of defined goals.  The more detailed and concrete our mutal vision, the more effec­tively I am able to brief my crew and teams to put the plan into action and create the event expe­ri­ence guaran­teed to commu­ni­cate our clients message.


My expe­ri­enced, profes­sional and friendly handling and direc­tion of live events gives my clients the finan­cial security that they need in a market which is not natu­rally their own.  Unex­pected overtime and over wages are not part of my vocabulary.


In short, Show Calling and Event Produ­cing is my home.  A home whose doors I open wide for my clients and audience so they can safely and comfor­tably leave their comfort zones in the know­ledge that their project is in good hands.  No event is ever the same and it would be safe to say that I enjoy the new chal­lenges that come with the terri­tory.  Chal­lenges that my teams and crew relish surmoun­ting together.  It’s all about teamwork every time.


Please feel free to browse through my port­folio – unfort­u­na­tely my blog is written in German but do have a look at this corpo­rate show: Mercedes Benz press confe­rence at IAA 2011



Ques­tions? I am looking forward to hearing from you at FacebookTwitter or LinkedIn!


You might be inte­rested in these blog posts:

7 ques­tions for Tech­nical Director Todd Elliott

Social Media at Events: 5 Ques­tions for Liz King

Show Choreo­graphy: 3 Ques­tions for Alex Burgos



Chris Cuhls Event Director Show Caller Corporate Show Germany

Show Caller Chris Cuhls at IAA 2013 for Daimler Corpo­rate Event Show

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