Social Media at Events: 5 Questions for Liz King

10. September 2014

Liz King techsytalk social media at events

Social Media at Events: Who else to inter­view than NYC based Liz King, one of the ‘Top 25 Most Influ­en­tial Event Planners in 2013’?



1. Liz, why is social media at events important and how does it help event organizers with their goals?


I would say that social media is important for two reasons. First of all, as event orga­ni­zers, we often need to fill the events that we plan. Social media is a very powerful and important marke­ting tool that event orga­ni­zers can leverage to fill their events faster and with higher quality people. In addition, social media can be used to fill the event with great speakers and sponsors. The ​p​ower of social media is that it connects us with experts that we may not other­wise be able to connect with. Social media is ​also ​very important because event orga­ni­zers, espe­ci­ally inde­pen­dent planners, need to have a personal brand. Our clients are making their buying decis­ions based on more than price – they want to know that ​t​he event orga­ni­zers they are hiring are quali­fied and well respected. Event orga­ni­zers can leverage social media to share their thought leader­ship and estab­lish them­selves as an expert in the industry. As they make connec­tions with their target market, they will also raise the comfort level between that target market and themselves.



2. What was the most challenging event that you worked on?


I would have to say that the most chal­len­ging and meaningful event that we worked on so far has been ​tech­sy­talk LIVE. We have done some really amazing events for clients, but this event is one that we host ourselves, which adds more meaning and chall­enge. When you create and design an event from scratch, you find a deeper ability to align the goals of the event with the brand. Since you know your own branch so inti­m­ately, you are better able to under­stand what goals you would like to achieve. In addition, it is more chal­len­ging because the pressure is certainly on. When we first dreamed up this event, I think we all felt a lot of pressure to make it really amazing – we were bringing together our contacts for sponsors, speakers, atten­dees and more. We were testing out a new format in front of all of these connec­tions of ours and we were defi­ni­tely on the spot. Because of this, I am most proud of this event. We can claim owner­ship of every success and we also know that we own every mistake. It gives us some­thing to strive for in the future.



3. What does it take to realise a great event job with effective social media use?


I could write a book in response to this question, but I will say that I think there are a few important compon­ents. First of all, make sure that your social media fits your audience. Regard­less of what social media platform you want to use, you must know that your audience will embrace it. Secondly, it’s all about commu­ni­ca­tion – you must make sure that your atten­dees know what you ​are doing and why. Then, you must get them involved in every step of the way. Educate them, encou­rage their parti­ci­pa­tion and reward them. Finally, make sure that you evaluate the success of your plans based on the goals you origi­nally set out. Social media is a very powerful tool, but it can also be very super­fluous. Make sure you set goals and hold yourself accoun­table to meeting those goals. And, bringing your atten­dees into the expe­ri­ence from the very begin­ning will help them expe­ri­ence the win.



4. Where do you get inspired regarding social media & innovative event formats?


Inspi­ra­tion is ever­y­where. I get a lot of ideas from atten­ding events and figuring out what I didn’t like. Some­times, having a bad expe­ri­ence as an attendee allows me to create a better expe­ri­ence as an event orga­nizer for the atten­dees of my events. Often times, inspi­ra­tion comes from my colle­agues and industry publi­ca­tions. Some­times, we can find the se​ed​ of a good idea and put our own spin on it to make it successful.



5. What was your biggest mistake and what did you learn from it?


This is a really great question, though admit­tedly hard to answer. I think one of the biggest mistakes that I have made is finding the balance between great part­ner­ships. I love colla­bo­ra­tion and the idea of working with other people. In some ways though, this ​ha​s back­fired on me because either the part­ner­ship is not actually effec­tive or perhaps the idea is not great in the end. Some­times, I get caught up in the idea of working with someone and I don’t take enough time to evaluate ​t​he feasi­bi­lity of the idea itself. And, on​c​e colla­bo­ra­ting with people in the industry, success is very important. Part­ner­ships are very hard if you can’t achieve the success you are all looking for and I never want to leave industry rela­ti­onships that way. So, one of my greatest chal­lenges in growing the business has been finding the right people to partner with, on the right projects, at the right time.



Social Media at Events Techsytalk Liz King



Liz King is an event planning super­hero by day, and closeted tech geek and intro­vert by night. Distraught by the thought of everyday civi­lians being conquered by spreadsheets, she resolved to re-channel her orga­niza­tional and tech savvy super­powers and launched Liz King Events while still running events full time for Columbia Univer­sity. Liz vora­ciously shared content on event best prac­tices via social media and quickly became a thought leader/influencer amongst her peers. Her hopes of being an inco­gnito event super­hero went down the drain as her cover was blown once she started making cameos on lits like ‘Successful Meetings list of 25 Most Influ­en­tial People in the Meetings Industry” and ‘Connect Magazine’s list of 40 Under 40 Up-and-Coming Event Planners in 2011”. Liz now comfor­tably wears her cape and employs her super­powers to helps entrepreneurs/brands like Claudia Chan and Ramit Sethi plan smart, tech-savvy events to better engage their attendees.


Outside of client events, Liz uses her prowess to educate and chall­enge her industry peers on how to better inte­grate tech­no­logy into live events to create a more winsome audience expe­ri­ence, through auxi­liary outlets and Plan­ner­Tech [Founder]. When not saving gotham from the event planning woes, Liz can be found unwin­ding by learning how to code, brushing up on her Korean, or indul­ging in Korean cuisine … all in civilian geek attire, of course.  



Want to know more about Chris Cuhls and this blog? Please find more infor­ma­tion about the German here.


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